& Games
Shipping Policies, Charges and Options Page
Download Information in
printable format
This file is in "rtf" format and will open in
recent versions of WordPerfect and MS Word.
(Since browser settings vary, you may experience difficulty
if this file doesn't open in an appropriate viewer.
In that case, right-click on the link and "save"
to your computer, then locate and open it.)
Download Order Form in
printable format
This file is in "rtf" format and will open in
recent versions of WordPerfect and MS Word.
(Since browser settings vary, you may experience difficulty
if this file doesn't open in an appropriate viewer.
In that case, right-click on the link and
"save" to your computer, then locate and open it.)
Print this form for your
mail-in order
Fill it out on your computer
and e-mail as an attachment
to Fun & Games Home Page